Saturday, September 21, 2013

& 5 months later....

warning: this blog post is real random:

it's awhile since i have blogged about anything. to try to catch you up on all that has happened since april, would be ridiculous & it would take me forever. if you really want to know about my summer & the crazy things that came with it, i would love sit down & chat with you. it was really life changing.

lately, life has been crazy. the ups & downs have seemed to be so intense. God has definitely been working in my life & i am trying really hard to trust that God knows what is best for me, but sometimes that is not the easiest thing. 

today is a big day for the church that i attend. we are meeting someone that could potentially be the new worship pastor for our church. i am more than excited to meet him & to hear his story. at the same time, it's nerve-wracking. i have been helping out with music for the past few weeks so it's something that i have grown "attached" too, something that i want to keep safe & i know that if it is in my hands, that i can protect it, if that makes any sense at all. but now it's time to loosen my grip & pray for the person that God has brought to this position. we get to meet him tonight at seven, & i can't wait. 

as i have been working through those feelings, i also changed my major. it's my senior year. i know. crazy. but i feel so sure that this is right decision. i am trusting that God will take care of me and continue to guide. i am going into english education. i want to teach english over seas. and so far, even though i wasn't too worries about what "everyone else thought," everyone has been very supportive & thinks that it is a great idea. i am so very thankful for their support. 

i am looking forward to all that God has in store for me & to see what the future holds. but for now, i know that God has things under control, in all areas of my life, even when i can't see the why.

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